Our mission has grown bigger than us. The situation in Ukraine is only getting worse, but despite it all, waves of people have been gathering to support our mission.
Yesterday, I got an email from another friend of this newsletter (Chris Deutsch) telling me he donated another $500to Doctors without Borders. (In true Chris fashion, he then apologized for his help, even though he found the time to donate in the middle of one of the busiest times in his month).
But that wasn’t all.
Since the original article came out, messages from several more people started to arrive. Some donated. Others contacted their friends in Ukraine to comfort them. A few even considered setting aside portions of their houses for refugee families. This is no time to slow down. What we’re doing is gaining momentum. We’re some of the first few people to get involved here, and people are starting to take notice.
Maybe you’re on the other side of the world. Maybe you’re in university, maybe you don’t know what do to. In my message today, I wanted to remind you that - no matter what - there’s always something you can do. Never let your circumstances rob you of your humanity, because the intention behind your actions makes all the difference.
But first, you need to act. And I have full faith that you’ll find a way.
~ P.S. Remember that for every donation you make to an organization helping in this conflict, you can let me know and I’ll match your donation.
~ P.P.S. If you don’t have the means, a donation isn’t necessary. If you just share this project on Twitter and 1-2 people donate, you’ve made a massive difference with <30s of effort. Like I said - I believe in you :)
~ P.S. Remember that for every donation you make to an organization helping in this conflict, you can let me know and I’ll match your donation.
~ P.P.S. If you don’t have the means, a donation isn’t necessary. If you just share this project on Twitter and 1-2 people donate, you’ve made a massive difference with <30s of effort. Like I said - I believe in you :)