On karate, weird essays, action gaps
My life condensed into variably interesting posts on the internet.

Welcome to Re: Life. I’m Aaryan Harshith. I’m a high-schooler from Sudbury, Canada that’s trying to figure out what in the world’s going on. Yeah. That’s about it.
Why a newsletter? So that one day, a long, long time from now, when my great great grandchildren ask me what the good ol’ days were like (assuming we figure out longevity), I can give them this link, and they can read my life like a story.
What I’ve been up to
<//> Finished up my application to enter Cambridge’s engineering program. Because this was earlier than all the other universities I’ll be applying to, it was - at the very least - amazing practice for the next few months.
<//> Drag a black belt essay. (As it turns out, written exams become a thing when you level up enough in karate). Fortunately, we can choose to write about anything, as long as it has something to do with fighting.
Oddly enough, though, I spent most of this morning researching the colorful, eccentric, bull-fighting lives of relatively obscure martial artists, and time just flew.
<//> Writing essays for some of the universities I’m applying to in the states. My most memorable one are about the philosophy of coffee and the potential carcinogens hiding in my breakfast toast.
Thought of the Week
Author Brianna Wiest on the origin of fear and regret:
The single most common root of discomfort is the space between knowing and doing.
It’s a common saying that you need to be stronger than your stronger excuse. Why not act before you have time to make one?
<//> Thanks for reading! Like I already mentioned I’m Aaryan. My main work lies at the intersection between hardware and medicine, trying to build better diagnostics / imaging systems to help us treat cancer. My favourite time of the day is the night.
If you’re already here, I’m making it a point to know everyone in this community. Drop a comment or send me an email at aary.harshith@gmail.com for no reason at all. I love those kinds of conversations. I won’t scam you either.