On elephants, all-nighters, paranoia
My life condensed into variably interesting posts on the internet

Welcome to Re: Life. I’m Aaryan (full-time degenerate high schooler extraordinaire) and here’s where I chronicle my life, thoughts, and work in biotechnology.
Why a newsletter? So that one day, a long, long time from now, aliens might find these posts and put them in their extraterrestrial museums. Now that you know my motivations are pure, let’s get started.
What I’ve been up to
:// Went to Toronto to take Cambridge’s Engineering entrance exam. Saw a depressed-looking elephant and ate from Subway at least three times. I don’t regret a thing.

:// Preparing applications for Princeton. That’s another way of saying I pass the hours writing sentences in a notebook, then scratching them out, then writing them in again, then scratching them out, then…yeah.
:// Used last night (and some of the early hours of this morning) to write my black belt essay on the founding of Shito-Ryū karate. Definitely an ordeal, but it was oddly satisfying to make order out of my inexplicable ideas. Let’s see if I make it.
Thought of the Week
For a change, here’s an idea from yours truly:
Your greatest enemies are the thoughts you keep but dare not question.
The unchecked mind is fickle. We don’t hesitate to closely observe people we don’t trust, when our wills are far less trustworthy.
Your thoughts can be the ringmaster, or you can. Which role are you playing?
//: Thanks for reading! I’m Aaryan. My main work lies at the intersection between hardware and medicine, trying to build better diagnostics / imaging systems to help us treat cancer. Also trying to figure out life, the universe, and everything.
The easiest way to reach me is by commenting on this post (the notification goes straight to my email). Don’t be scared to say hi!